Recent Detroit local office transfers


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Recent Detroit local office transfers

Hi folks:

Does anybody transferred to Local Detroit office recently in here ? i am kind of new to this place and would appreciate if any one can share some information about how much time the local office will take to schedule a interview for Employment based categories (EB3)

I have read in the forum, where some applicants were transfered to detroit office and are being scheduled for interview within 2-3 months , but they were back in times during Oct 2002.

I appreciate, if experts in the forum can share some information about present trend in detroit office and their I- 485 experinces

Thanks in advance
FunkyJunky : His case transfered to Detroit on 04/03 and got Interview 01/04 based on his data posted here. You have a long way to go my friend.BTW when is your case transfered to Dtroit?

to kvpt_mm
Did u gdt any call from detroit office yet, what is the development in your cease recently
