Recent approvals after 2nd FP


Registered Users (C)
Anyone got the approval recently after 2nd FP? I just want to find out how long it takes to hear from VSC after the FP.

Also, will the attorney receive a copy of the approval notice or RFE?

RD: 12/26/2001
ND: 1/8/2002
FP1: 3/29/2002
FP2: 8/12/2003
AD: ??
I am would like to know too...

RD: 12/26/2001
ND: 1/8/2002
FP1: 2/27/2002
FP2: 6/11/2003
same here...if any junta has been approved after second FP kindly let us know after how long ????
Who can tell you how many days/months BCIS will take to decide after 2nd FP.....????

Simple Answer is .... Nobody... not even God probably.

rd 12/19/2001
nd 12/28/2001
fp1 2/13/2002
fp2 6/14/2003
no online msg update
ad - ???
God knows it.
Thats why GOD did not give control of three things when GOD created Human being.
1. control of manupulating TIME.
2. Our DEATH (where, how and when)
3. The power to predict our FUTURE.
Thats why we preach him day and night.
If these three things would have been in control of a human being, then who would have talked about religions and who would have bothered to make temples, mosques, churches and gurudwaras.
REMEMBER THIS!!!!! and follow it.
What I have seen is taking around 1-2 months time. Some people never heard even after 4 months. It is up to the mercy of BCIS.
It notmally takes 90 days after your 2nd FP for a security clearance. So one should expect approval within that time frame. It may take longer if the officer is on a vacation or case is not assigned.
After second FP, do they go through the same security clearance process that they went through for the first FP?

I am a bit confused here. e.g there are many of us waiting since Oct 2001 for this security clearance process and have gone through the 2nd FP as well. Now, BCIS took 7 months for security clearance on the 1st FP (from Jan 2003 when they started approving cases again, until July 2003). Now, if they go through the same process for a person with 2nd FP, I think they will keep moving in a loop and will never be able to adjudicate a case.

Any comments?

To Oct1RD01

I had thought about the same thing as you until I got my approval
on Aug 20. I'm an Oct filer as well.

I got my approval 2.5 months after my 2nd FP. After you do your
2nd FP, you should not just wait. You should contact your
senator, congressman, and the BCIS at full throttle. That was
what I did and I got my approval.


I did my 2nd FP on June 17th, and my online message is also updated. I contacted my senator for the 2nd time a month ago and they told me that my security checks had been completed and the case was with an adjudications officer and I should hear something within 30 to 45 days (30 days have already passed).

Around the same time, I had sent an inquiry to VSC through NCSC and the response I got back was that I should hear something in 30 days (again 30 days have already passed).

I am not sure what else I can do.

Receipt date:12-16-02
2nd finger print on July 22nd
Not heard anything yet..
Checked with BCIS and they replied :" We dont know how long will it take!!!!!!!!!"
If they do not know....where do we go next???????
FPs sent to different SC???

My 485 case is pending with VSC. I gave my 2nd FP in July'03 at a local application support center in CA as I had moved here recently. Today, I checked with FBI and they said my FP results were sent to CSC(?). On the other hand, BCIS customer support says I should try to get my FPs redirected to VSC by contacting either the local ASC or CSC (ofcourse, without confirming where my FPs are currently).

I immediately contacted the local ASC to see if they can redirect my FPs to VSC. They said they would not have control over where to send the FPs but FBI would rather hold the info and the corresponding SC would obtain the info from FBI.

I'm just wondering how I can make sure that VSC receives my FPs. Or is the theory told by the local ASC correct? Can sombody help me?
