Received the FP Letter, but SC is Missouri???


Registered Users (C)
Received the FP Notice today... within a week of the Notice for I-485 :eek: wow. What got me a bit confused is that the Service Center col on the Notice reads MSC. Since we are in CA, shouldn't the Service Center be CSC? :confused:

I was reading your thread about the FP notice for your mom getting misplaced... sorry to hear that... hope things work out the way you have planned them now.

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is FP the same as Biometrics for I-485 or RFE we had RFE for I-765 they fingerprinted ,took photos and got signature , will we go back for another appointment? :eek:
a_usc said:
Received the FP Notice today... within a week of the Notice for I-148 :eek: wow. What got me a bit confused is that the Service Center col on the Notice reads MSC. Since we are in CA, shouldn't the Service Center be CSC? :confused:

I was reading your thread about the FP notice for your mom getting misplaced... sorry to hear that... hope things work out the way you have planned them now.


Appreciate your concern, a_usc. Thank you :)

Well.. you got your FP notice within a week of your original receipt notice. Congratulations!
When I see several posts like this, it would be odd if I'm not alarmed at what happened to our FP notice - isn't it? That's why I started the thread and now I'm sure none of those who really want to help me - are going to - b'cos of all the nonsense happening over there :(

When I was talking to the supervisor @ the DO, she told me that the IR cases get transferred to Missouri from the Chicago LB and then get sent to various DOs, if necessary. It is the MSC that even schedules the FP appts. Could it be possible that your case - even though your SC is CSC, will only eventually get there, after the FP is done?

P.S: BTW, did you mean I-485 when you said I-148?
jenimmi said:
That's why I started the thread and now I'm sure none of those who really want to help me - are going to - b'cos of all the nonsense happening over there :(

You're wrong!!!

Just keep posting your concerns and you'll see that people will help you, the same way you helped so many

Trust me on this ;)
Suzy977 said:
You're wrong!!!

Just keep posting your concerns and you'll see that people will help you, the same way you helped so many

Trust me on this ;)

Thanks for your kind words, Suzeeee ;)
You know when things get totally out of control, we need some "gals" like you around as a support system :D

My dear, I have no speck of doubt in my heart that people are concerned for you and I know they would not hold themselves back in helping you. They may not post in the same thread, but you will have all the help and wishes of ev one around here :). I do understand how you must have felt when you realized that your mum's FP notice had been misplaced... especially because you had called them up earlier and were misguided. But what can one do... I hope you get her FP done by walking into the DO. Good Luck... ah yes... thanks for correcting that typo, explaining the MSC on the Notice and your wishes. Just wondering if this (MSC) would effect the processing times :-/

eric said:
is FP the same as Biometrics for I-485 or RFE we had RFE for I-765 they fingerprinted ,took photos and got signature , will we go back for another appointment
Yes, FP (Finger Printing) is same as Biometrics. RFE is Request For Evidence, which one may receive if the application was missing some supporting document or info.

a_usc said:
Received the FP Notice today... within a week of the Notice for I-485 :eek: wow. What got me a bit confused is that the Service Center col on the Notice reads MSC. Since we are in CA, shouldn't the Service Center be CSC? :confused:

I was reading your thread about the FP notice for your mom getting misplaced... sorry to hear that... hope things work out the way you have planned them now.


Sorry, I realized the thread moved in a different direction and your initial question is still unanswered.

I don't know the answer to your dilemma, but what I can tell is that on my parents receipts we have also MSC, and we are in Oregon.
There's nothing to worry about: the "MSC" refers to the National Benefits Center, which originally started out as as the Missouri Service Center (MSC). Since the application is initially processed at the NBC before being passed on, the receipt number starts off with MSC.

From the National Benefits Center FAQ at

What role does the NBC play?
To serve USCIS Field Offices, the NBC will complete all necessary pre-interview processing of I-485 Adjustment of Status cases, including conducting background security checks, initial evidence review, adjudication of associated I-765 and I-131 applications (filed with the I-485 or separately), denial of adjustment of status cases for applicants who are statutorily ineligible, and forwarding scheduled cases to the USCIS Field Office for adjudication.

A unique function of the NBC is that the Center utilizes a Lockbox facility, located in Chicago Illinois. The Lockbox is a bank under contract with the Department of Treasury that performs fee receipting, fee deposit and initial data entry for specified Forms according to business rules established by USCIS. The Lockbox then forwards all properly filed cases to the NBC for the pre-interview processing steps listed above.

What is the National Benefits Center (NBC)?
The National Benefits Center was originally created as the Missouri Service Center (MSC), which was set up to process applications associated with the LIFE Act. On April 16, 2003, USCIS Director Aguirre approved the transition of the Missouri Service Center (MSC) into the National Benefits Center (NBC), which greatly expanded the scope of the Center’s operations. The NBC was primarily established to serve as the hub and conduit for all USCIS field offices by completing pre-interview processing of Forms generally requiring an interview. However, evidence of our origin remains, as all Forms receipted by the NBC still bear the receipt number prefix of “MSC.
why do only SRC receipt numbers show up on case status and not MSC and does Chicago transfer case to MSC before they go out to the DO,s
eric v said:
why do only SRC receipt numbers show up on case status and not MSC and does Chicago transfer case to MSC before they go out to the DO,s

Yes. you can track MSC receipt numbers on the online case status website. If your receipt number is not being recognized, nothing to worry. Its just that the online case status database has not been updated.