Received Plastic Card - Sunny Koka



I had done my passport stamping on 06/13/2001.
I received the plastic card last week around 08/21/2001.
So it seems to be taking around the 2-3 months average for most cases.

Though I haven\'t been posting actively, I\'ve still been checking these sites every few days to see how my old buddies have been doing.

Good Luck to all of you !
( Though I agree with TSC just luck may not be enought and we need loads of patience, determination, self-control, senators and what not .... )

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Hi Sunny,

I just heard the approval in AVM. Hoping to get my passport stamped within next couple of weeks. I don\'t think I will get the plastic card before November. Now, me and my wife are going to India in October. I read some people who said Immigration from India gives trouble to board on the plane while coming back. Do you know anything about it?


Reply to ASIND

As far as I know you shouldn\'t have any problems as long as your passport is stamped. Take all your other immigration relevant papers with you in any case just to be on the safe side.
Keep an eye on the Immigration guys in India when they are looking at your passports coz I read something about these immgration guys tearing off a page from our passport on purpose so that they can harass us and extract money from us later.