Received Oath Letter Today! Oath Date: 7/27/09 @ West Kendall USCIS!


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Woohoo! So I called today at 4:00 PM to ask on status of my letter, and the USCIS officer said it was sent out July 10. I get home, check the mail, and its there!

Oath date: 7/27/09 @ USCIS West Kendall (Miami), @ 10:00 AM!!!!!

If anyone else has the same date there let me know!!

So, I submitted my App 04/01/09, my oath date is 7/27/09. So that is a 3 month 26 day completion time for West Kendall Miami......

Very fast, Very Happy with the new USCIS building!!!

One more step to go!!! :D :D :D :D