Received Card - Forwarded to New address


Registered Users (C)
Received the card in the Mail yesterday. It was sent to the earlier address and had set up mail forwarding . So it was forwarded to the new address. Looked at the cover carefully it does not say anywhere do not forward , in fact it does not even say Immigration anywhere externally. Yes the from address says VT that is it.
Derivative yet to receive as the approval was delayed and so the stamping.
Just to track the time.
Approved on Oct 26 Stamped on Nov 17th got the card on Jan 12th. In fact the on line status changed on 12/30 to "card ordered" and then "card mailed" on 1/2.
Originally posted by PRASUKEER
Received the card in the Mail yesterday. It was sent to the earlier address and had set up mail forwarding . So it was forwarded to the new address. Looked at the cover carefully it does not say anywhere do not forward , in fact it does not even say Immigration anywhere externally. Yes the from address says VT that is it.
Derivative yet to receive as the approval was delayed and so the stamping.
Just to track the time.
Approved on Oct 26 Stamped on Nov 17th got the card on Jan 12th. In fact the on line status changed on 12/30 to "card ordered" and then "card mailed" on 1/2.


Congrat's!! And thank you for sharing the address forward information. It is very useful.
