Receipt date screw up?


Registered Users (C)

USCIS received both my and my wife's application on Dec. 28th. Today, we both received the notice. My wife's notice shows a Receipt Date and a Priority Date of Dec. 28th. So far so good. Now, both my Receipt and Priority Dates are Dec. 21th, one ful week prior to USCIS receiving my application! Now, is this just a screw up or is there any hidden meaning here? The funny thing is that my ESC (wasn't it supposed to be EAC?) number is actually three more than my wife's which seems to suggest it was processed after hers...

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We had ESC* numbers - don't worry about it.

Does sound like they messed up your dates, but unless you sent your application in very close to your eligibility date, you most likely won't encounter a problem.
boatbod said:
Does sound like they messed up your dates, but unless you sent your application in very close to your eligibility date, you most likely won't encounter a problem.

Actually, the 90-day cutoff date for me was Dec 20th so I guess I'm good! :)

i am also surprised by something happened for the application submission. i sent my N400 package as the first thing this Monday morning. it's friday night. status of the registered mail(first class, virginia to vermont) is still "Acceptance". so guys... you might want to use certificate priority in stead of first class registered.
nanobot said:
Actually, the 90-day cutoff date for me was Dec 20th so I guess I'm good! :)


Well thats a relief! I guess your story is an excellent example of why everyone should wait a few extra days after the starting eligibility date before submitting their application.