Reasons for slow processing!


Registered Users (C)
Traditional reasons:
1. Low priority
2. Lack of manpower
3. Lack of finance

Recent Reason! an observation?
Security checks and FBI clearance... I believe BCIS sends a bunch of applications to FBI for clearence...Then FBI take their own time to reply. That is why we see a flood of approvals for a week or so and then a slow trickle...until the next round.
name check is just an exuse. FBI has claimed 120 days is the maxium time on a case, 85% case complete in 3 days.

RFE cases have long passed name check, still no news. they just stopped 485 processing to do other stuff, TPS.
Another reason could be FBI and CIA are busy answering questions from media about misinforming the president on WMD :eek:
Reason No. 3 is not valid eigther. They make tons of money on immigration fees. Of course the money go to the government, but isn't the BCIS a government organization?
One sure reason is their computer system is old and degenerated.

If they have a script program like ours, they will clearly see what case is pending, what case is RFE received, but they can't see that overall picture. I doubt they have a good system to remind them of cases pending for a long time. They probably have piles of documents on their desks along with 1000 empty pepsi cans, messy papers, greasy food stains, family pictures, notepads.....

Imagine your cases there, forever waiting to be picked.

You're absolutely right. I've worked with a guy who has a friend there. He described it very close to what you tell.
They probably have piles of documents on their desks along with 1000 empty pepsi cans, messy papers, greasy food stains, family pictures, notepads.....

Dengdeng, you seem to have visited their office. Looks so real :p