Reason for late processing for early filers?


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I have been wondering what the reason should be for filers who have filed in November and December 2001. What reasons do you think they would have to flag off applications and not touch them at all. I have been seeing cases that have been filed in November 2001 getting approved now. And i.e, if the filer has not changed his employer or filed for AC21.

1. Could either the primary or derivative being on student visa before the AOS be one of the reasons.

2. Could the name of either the primary or derivative also be the cause of the delay in processing.

Could 485 gurus please explain this to me.

Don't look for a reason as to why BCIS does things a certain way.At the end of the day, you will have no answers and no hair left on your head.:confused: :confused:
LOL! There is no logic in INS workings. The main reason for delay is the lack of resources and priority. Anything beyond that is laziness on part of the IIO's. As far as the conspiracy theory is concerned the sky is the limit.