reapply for visitor visa under 221(g)


Registered Users (C)
Urgent!!!!Applying 3rd time in 1 year

My mother applied for visitor visa in september 2002 twice. Embassy did not issue the visa on the ground that the papers were inadequate (221(g) clause). The application fees was accepted.

10 months past, now she wants to apply again. Can anybody tell me does she need to take an appointment and apply personally or does she need to send her papers by post.
Also does she need to enclose her application fee again?

I have read about 214(b) clause but I am not sure how to reapply under 221(g).

Can anyone help me on this.
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What did ur mother did afterwards ? did she reapply ? did she get the visa finally ?

my parents also gor 221g and have been asked to wait until the embassy gets back to them. They were not asked to provide any additional paperwork

was ur mother's case similar too ?

pls let me know
your mom will have to go personally, i think if she has saved the receipts that she got for the earlier fee she will not be charged agin, but should carry the draft just in case.

same happned with my brother he went back after almost a year but had to pay again cuase he had not saved the reciepts we idi not know he had to save.
my in lways already went for personal interview and thats when they were told about this 221g.. r u saying she has to go again ? They hv said that embassy will contact them in 3 weeks.. what about that ?
this was not for u but sonabul. I already replied to ur mail earlier, ur parents dont have to go again but wait for 3 weeks etc...
My mom did not get the visa as when she went to apply again within 10 months period of her first application for visa, she was asked by some stupid clerk to submit the draft first, which she was not carrying. As it was written in the letter given to her by visa personnal that she does not need to submit the draft again if she applies within one year. Since there was no draft , she was not even allowed to enter for the interview.

221 clause is given normally given if some papers are missing.

I am not sure in your case why embassy people told ur parents to wait for three weeks...may be want to verify the papers..... probably the best way is to wiat for their approval...