Really old cases without second FP


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I am a oct 2001 case without second FP, tried everything from faxes (both for !st and 2nd level enquiry and for FP), phone enquiries to letters to senators, nothing helped. What are other options for folks like me who are indefinitely waiting for any movement in their cases. First the excuse was security check (pretty much for more than a year) now they say we'll schedule second FP but when? It has been like this for months.

Mine is a very straightforward case same employer, same position etc don't know whats the wait for?
I am in the same boat as you. Same employer, same position, same address, ...etc. My attorney said they will try to push my case forward as 'probelm case' in CSC, but I have no idea whatsoever and no faith either. The 'GOOD' news is my another 60 days wait is almost served in full term again, so the attorney should be able to do something (if ever). I personally has done all I could (email, fax, phone NSC, phone CSC, congressman, senator, ...), but am still doing fax every week...

The response from CSC for the last inquiry is to wait another 30-60 days for 'this kind of action' (2nd FP notice). According to the attorney's calculation, that 60 days should be around the corner. Not that like anything is going to happen, just a new way of time measurment in CSC waiting life (you know normally we count in days, but in CSC we count in month)
Same here. RD March 2002. No 2nd FP. Maybe our cases are in the shredder. Interestingly, my wife, who applied as a derivative 15 months after me, received her first FP. So the older excuse abt not getting 2nd FP scheduled because of huge FP backlog is pure bull...
Same here, same here

I am wac02-046 (Nov, 2001) case. I have done all that you've done. No 2nd FP. Name check was cleared last May, congressman said my spouse has a common name, the case was stucked at spouse's name check.

But I see on the forum that there are so many cases that primary applicant approved, spouse not, or spouse approved, primary not. What's going on?

who cares

Sorry to hear that. It's terrible feeling waiting this long. I had my attorney call and conference me. Also coincidently my case was approved on the 60 th day of my RFE received by CIS. Also, I applied for EAD last week. I also send a fax inquiry. Donot know the reason for approval but, I am not complaining. Happy ending in my case.
I sincerely hope you guys will get the approval soon. Whatever may be the reason they say it makes no sense to have JIT in Jan 2003 though there are quite a few OCT 01 cases pending.
I-485 RN: April 2002.
FP will expire in Sept 2004. No FP notice yet.
File just got transfered to SJC on Aug 24th, 2004.
I gues I'm stuck in the same mud...October 2001 filer...FP march change in status online since then......tried everything within my reach...faxes, inquiries,congressman/senators...
just got a response on my inquiry yesterday..its says 'the case is under review'...god knows what that means?!

Someone, please help me with any other stuff that I should be know how greatly will I appreciate them.

Same case here guys

Mine's the same old story February 2002- WAC02-107-5.., still haven't received my second FP, my wife (derivative applicant, filed in April 2002) received her second FP and an RFE. Totally nuts!
Representatives in person?


I know several of you have written to your Senators and Representatives. I wanted to suggest that maybe you go visit your Representative in person. I would take the CSC processing time JIT report, your I485 petition, a letter that outlines how far behind the processing date your case is, and your best diplomatic smile. I found, when I did this, that making them feel like they are NOT part of the problem, but here to help you, worked in terms of getting access to the immigration support person that they are bound to have on staff...

I've had one on one's with Nancy Pelosi's person and also the head of Constituent Services at Barbara Boxer's office. Nancy Pelosi's rep then called the INS and made them give her a date that my case would be processed by, and then the plan was that if they didn't make it, then she would go back and shake them down some more. They did, so that didn't happen.

I wish I could think of something else, but that's the best I've got. Good luck.

becky said:

I know several of you have written to your Senators and Representatives. I wanted to suggest that maybe you go visit your Representative in person. I would take the CSC processing time JIT report, your I485 petition, a letter that outlines how far behind the processing date your case is, and your best diplomatic smile. I found, when I did this, that making them feel like they are NOT part of the problem, but here to help you, worked in terms of getting access to the immigration support person that they are bound to have on staff...

I've had one on one's with Nancy Pelosi's person and also the head of Constituent Services at Barbara Boxer's office. Nancy Pelosi's rep then called the INS and made them give her a date that my case would be processed by, and then the plan was that if they didn't make it, then she would go back and shake them down some more. They did, so that didn't happen.

I wish I could think of something else, but that's the best I've got. Good luck.


Hey Becky,
Let me get this right, so you actually went to the senator's office and asked for an audience with the senator- and how does that work. Is it as simple as finding out where the Senator's office is and showing up. I kinda like this approach, could you shed some more light on the process.


I am in the same boat. June 2002 case, I haven't received 2 FP notice. My wife's case was filed as a secondary in September 2002. She received a 2nd FP notice. She did hers and her results are back.

Is there any chance that she might get approved on her own?
