Read this link ....INS crumbles amid 9/11 reforms


This is an agency with no focus on internal security, no priority-setting in how to apply resources and morale so low that people simply go through the motions, spending eight hours a day praying until they can go home and retire," says Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., who met with INS inspectors and Border Patrol agents in several states during the August recess.

Great article

The following text from the article answers most of our questions about delays and INS don't care attitude.
All the best future filers and the waiters, it's gloomy predictions at least going by this article. Here it goes...
Immigrant advocate Angela Kelley, deputy director of the National Immigration Forum, fears that the INS and its ability to serve millions of newcomers will get lost in Homeland Security.

"It's a disaster, a disaster that will only be made a mega-disaster if thrown into a big transportation division of Homeland Security," Kelley says. She wants to see services gain clout as a separate Homeland Security division.

Many fear the move to Homeland Security will further erode customer service. INS inspectors, who once raced to process planeloads of visitors within a mandated 45 minutes, now take the time to more closely screen foreigners.

"There will always be a tension between customer service and security," says Chuck Murphy, president of the National Immigration & Naturalization Service Council. "And in every case, my view would be customer service be damned. Slow it down. Make sure that anyone you're letting in deserves to be let in."
Good GOD!!!
I knew they were a dinasour agency but I didn't think things were THIS bad. It really does explain a lot about them.
I just find the part of being flooded by AR-11 forms that they don't have time to process very funny.