Re-Stamping Nightmare at Newark, NJ


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My wife's GC was approved on 11/28/2001. On Dec 4, 2001 she got her passport stamped. Almost one year and she had still not received her plastic card. She spoke to several IIOs in Nebraska Service Center. They all said the card is just waiting to be printed and everything is fine. But as the I-551 stamp was expiring on Dec 4, 2002 we decided to get it re-stamped.

She went to Newark INS office on Wednesday. They sent her to the 14th floor. The lady over there said that they do re-stamping only on Friday. So my wife had to go back on Friday. She went there at 7am and stood in line for 2 hours. At 9:00 they sent her to the 14th floor. There she sat for 45 minutes and her number was not called. Finally she went to the counter and asked what's the matter. The guy told her they don't do re-stamping on this floor she had to go to the 13th floor. (I thought 13th floor did not exist in American buildings). The story repeated. She sat for 45 minutes and her number was not called. When she went to the counter the guy told her to got to the 10th floor!!!

Finally on the 10th floor, at 11:00am, they took her detail and asked her to wait. She did a smart move and wrote down the lady's name who took the details. She waited for 2 hours and her number was not called. She went to the desk and asked for the lady. They told her she had left for the day and they did not have my wife's paper work!! (Can you believe this??) Finally one of the lady was very helpful. She again took down all my wife's detail and said she will have to do a background check. At almost 3:00pm, this lady called my wife and said she was surprised that she had not received the card. She took my wife's fingerprint and photos and said they will have to submit the forms again to get her card. The INS lady point blank said that the NSC must have lost my wife's photos and Fingerprint form. She also said that this was very common!!! My wife couldn't believe what she was listening. Anyway they stamped here passport again and told her she should get the card shortly. My wife finally got out at 4:00pm.
Did INS charge you application fee?

Did INS charge you application fee of $130 and photo cost also?
My wife has not got physical card after 10 months pp stamping.
We're planning to go to local INS to do I-90 too.
Please let me know. Thank you!!!
Re: Did INS charge you application fee?

Originally posted by tsccsc485
Did INS charge you application fee of $130 and photo cost also?
My wife has not got physical card after 10 months pp stamping.
We're planning to go to local INS to do I-90 too.
Please let me know. Thank you!!!

No, INS did not charge me any fee. However we had to submit 2 new photos. Again, there is so much of confusion and incompetence at the INS office, I won't be surprised if they charge you some fee. It is better to take cash and check book along with you.