Re: Settlement funds


New Member
I\'m hoping to land soon in Canada from the U.K. Is it okay to show the immigration officer a current statement of account and carry of the required fund. I also intend to hold about £1500 (about CDN$3300) in cash. The reason for not willing to carry much is that I\'ll be stopping over in the States for a week and a half. Will like to hear from anybody in similar situation. Thanks
hai Congratulations. Yes u can do that. If u search through some of the discussions

U can see that people have shown bank statement as proof of funds while landing. And they showed a lit amount of cash which is sufficient initially. I am moving next Saturday @ montreal. I do n\'t know which airport ur entering thro\' but don\'t worry u will be let in.

U can see a discussion "I recd. my Landing papers today (8.5 months) Should we carry cash while landing" & "Landing by Car/Bus/Air.." There r lots of discussions with respect to landing. Take some time to go thro\' the discussions it should give more Confidence.

I am moving from USA. Carrying around USD 1000 and rest i will be showing as a bank statement. But remember the funds u show in a bank should be equal or more u said in ur application that u will bring to Canada.

Also please post ur experience in complete from start of application to final landing. so that others have benefit when they r moving from UK.

bank statement is fine

bank statment should work fine. in fact you can even say that you have more funds coming in later.