Re-finger print request rcvd


Registered Users (C)
Got a req for second finger print.

WAC-020 70 XXXXX
RD: Dec 19 2001
F.F.P - April 21, 2002 (San Jose)
S.F.P - Nov 4, 2003 (scheduled date- San Jose)

on the request, it says Service center - WSC ?? No idea why and the mail came from CSC.
Apparently WSC is the Western Service Center, which is an alternate title for CSC.

I assume Vermont, Texas and Nebraska will be rebadged as Eastern, Southern and PointlessBitInTheMiddleWithALoadOfCornAndNotMuchElse Service Centers at some point in the future.
WSC (Western Service Center) - now known as the California Service Center. The name was changed in 1995 .
p001, BCIS didn't update online status for second FP and perhaps post office have already lost your FP notice :(
online message change at all for 2nd FP?

Does online message change at all for 2nd fingerprint...
I am asking this bcoz my postal address is different from residence and I usually find out things online. If not online how about automated-telephone?

I guess, your lawyer gets a copy of your second FP .. Just in case if you had changed your address ...

True ??
Originally posted by Tasse
p001, BCIS didn't update online status for second FP and perhaps post office have already lost your FP notice :(

Does it really matter?

Any how BCIS is going to take another 18 months to process my case. I pray god to properly send my 3rd FP notice :)