Re-entry Permit & Naturalization


Registered Users (C)
I got my GC in Jan 01 and stayed in the US until Jan 03. I moved back to India after applying for re-entry permit. Now, I have a reentry permit that allows me to enter US until Jan 06.

However, I have been visiting US very often (without any 6 month break). How can I apply for my naturalization when it is due Jan 06? If needed I can come back and live in the US for a few months.

Please help.

Best Regards,
Live in america atleast 30 months in the 5 years prior to natz. live in one place atleast 3 months before natz. thats it
Passport stamps


Thanks for the inputs. While the US immigration stamps(admit date) can be clearly seen on the passport, the Indian arrival and dep dates are not clear.

Is there a way to prove how long once stayed in the US during the visits?

Any inputs will be useful.

Thanks again
Airline Boarding passes, airline tickets, Credit Cards statements (showing US purchases on a given timeframe), Phone records, Employer Payroll records. There are so many ways you can take proof that you were in the US in a certain time period!