RDMay15/01,NDJuly27,EB2,New jersey, No FP yet


New Member
Hello friends,
My RD is May 15/01. ND is July 27. Got my EAD and AP. I have NOT got my FP yet. INS never sent it to me. When checked with INS, they said they are processing April/01 cases. They said they will issue after a month.

I am more worried about it. Why was it delayed and still how long it takes?
When i asked the same question to INS, they said it depends on the Immigration Officer who handles my case.

Please guide me something.

Thank you.
FP Notice recvd VTC

EAD RD = Feb 15, 2002
ND = Mar 6, 2002
Apprvd = Mar 28, 2002
Cards recvd = Mar 30, 2002
AP recvd = Apr 3, 2002
FP ND = Apr 23, 2002