RD OCT 31-20001 Approved


New Member
Me a silent visitor.
Got my GC approved on Jan 29th 2003. My lawyer got the approval letter on Jan 31st.

Added my wife to processing before 485 filing

RD OCT 31 2001
ND Nov End 2001
FP March 2002
2 EAD renewals (DEC 2001, NOV 2002)
Pittsburgh, PA

Good luck to everyone.
If I missed out any details let me know.
Will update the RUPNET (Pittsburgh_boy) soon

Thanks for everyone and immigration.com
Congrats sureshwe!! Enjoy ...

Guys, this approval is EAC-02-058 ... looks like INS is picking up the pace ... many have been approved in the last couple of days.

Hope we all get approved soon ......
Congratulations!!! I am also a 10/31 RD and with 02-059 eac number. Your approval brings more lights as I have seen very few 10/31/01 RD approvals. Besides, I stayed at pitt for some time and enjoy the tri-river downtown beauty. Go steelers!
EAC Logic - Gurus Please Clear


Sureshwe Congrats on your approval.

My 485 Rd is Nov 3rd , 2001and my eac no is : EAC02-057-5XXXX.

But how come sureshwe's eac number is : EAC0205850XXX
when his RD is Oct 31st , 2001.

Again I am not doubting his EAC , I am only trying to find out is there a relation between RD and EAC No.But the way I understood does not fit with this particular case.Further yesterday somebody with OCT RD, 2001 had EAC--2-059 -XXXXX

Hi tsnl,
I noticed that ur RD i nov 3 2001 and EAC is : EAC02-057-5XXXX.
My RD is nov 7 and EAC is EAC02-056-5XXXX.
Also I got my FP done on 14th Feb of last year

Don't know what's going on and how they come up the EAC's
This is cheering

Go by fast Oct filers.... Congrats sureshwe

AMBYASASAM - our turns might be near if the last three days trend continues for about 45 days
the EAC number is related to ND, not RD

For example, EAC02060 is for ND 12/11/2001, and EAC02059 is for ND 12/10/2001 etc. They have no relation with RD