RD 7/11 RFE Recd for G-325 A


Registered Users (C)
PD 1/00 RD 7/11 ND 8/24 FP 12/7 EB3/Ind/MA

I thought most of the July cases are done and my turn is imminent. Instead I end up with an RFE. Of all the stupid things, the RFE is to re-submit form G325A (Biographic Information). I checked the old form that I submitted and everything looks perfect and I just plan to resubmit the same info again. At least if there was a decent RFE like pay stubs, tax returns, employment letter etc, I can understand but this is ridiculous!

I have now officially given up trying to figure out how INS works. I have seen so many cases approved on this board with all kinds of complications. I am happy for those folks, but my case is absolutely straightforward - no job changes, work for a large non-consulting multinational company, high salary etc - and yet here I am, faced with at least another one month delay :(

Unlike some of the people on this board, I am not in dire straits on the job front, so I am not overly tense about it. Still, I will shortly be entering my 7th year of stay in this country and it\'s about time I get this GC nonsense over with :)

Good luck to those who are waiting!

We sympathise with you; but refrain from unwanted comments on job status of others. You may have been here the last 7 Years but this does not warrant your pompousness.
If GC is a nonsense please withdraw your 485 ... If you think that by working for an MNC and with HIGH salary, INS is obgliated to treat you differently, you are sadly mistaken...
Try to be humble
INS might have misplaced your documents

If everything is alright this is the only thing I can think of. But you are not the only one who got this type of RFE. I have read few others also in this forum.
basbi1, you should be proud of yourself!

GC is the thing you can not control. Tons of people with lousy degrees from lousy universities, lousy jobs from lousy companies, etc. are very likely to jump in front of you.

GC is based on the American needs and luck, not based on your merit whatsoever. For example, thousands Mexican hotel workers, many political asylum seakers will get GC much faster than you. A uneducated woman can marry a trash-type US citizen and get GC in two months.

It is a fact.
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I also got same RFE

RD - 07/10/01 ND - 08/23/01 FP - 11/23/01
G-325A, Employment Letter and home/work address.

I was expecting RFE for Birth Certificate(as mine is regiesterd in 2001).
Reply to futuregen

You are getting unnecessarily agitated.

I was just pointing out that my case does not have any of the factors that could raise a red flag in an adjudicating officer\'s mind. If the company is very small or if the salary is too low or if INS comes to know of a job change, these are all factors that MAY trigger an RFE. Not in all cases, but sometimes. My point was that I did not have any of this.

I don\'t expect INS to treat me any differently, just fairly. It is an undeniable fact that many people get approved after being on the bench, not getting paid, changing jobs before 180 days etc. I have no ill will against these folks as I already mentioned, but I am entitled to a little bitterness.

I mentioned the 7 years to highlight the fact that I\'ve been waiting a long time - my GC process actually started in 1997, company went broke in 1999 and restarted GC with present company in 2000. I know there are people who are waiting even longer, but that doesn\'t help me feel any better. I know exactly what it feels like to get laid off after 2+ years in the GC process and start all over again, because that\'s what I did. I know fully well what the value of the GC is and I never said it was nonsense. However, the process of getting one makes no sense at all and so it seems nonsensical.

It is unfortunate that you have put a completely different spin on my posting. All I did was state the facts but if it sounds like pompousness to you, I think there is something wrong with you, not with me.
May 15 Victim, Got I89 processed, Newark-NJ

May 15 Victim, Got I89 processed, Newark-NJ
On May 15 they did not stamp the passport.
On May 24 they refused to stamp.
On June 5th we got our passports stamped. At that time they said I89 has already been peocessed and dispatched to Vermont.
On June 21st we received letters from Newark INS asking to come for stamping on June 26.
When we went today, they saw the letter at the gate and gave token numbers starting with B ( not C ) and asked to go straight to room 10 th floor.
we waited for 2 hrs, then our numbers were called. Only 2-3 counters were calling B numbers.
The IIO to give the original receipt and EAD. Then we said that we already got stamped and asked here about I89.
She said they haven\'t sent them to Vermont and now they will send it to vermont. but she asked the original receipt or courtesy copy as she needs it to send it vermont along with I89.
so all may 15 folks make sure all of you will receive the letter and if you receive letter you should go to Newark to make sure I89 will be sent to Vermont.