RD 10/01/01 approved !!!!


Registered Users (C)
Yes Guys..... Guess What. Online status says approved, checked at 9:45 AM CST. Checked last night and was not updated.

My horrendous GC journey has finally ended. Wife and Son approved too.

PD: 03/01/01
140 approved: 09/14/01
RD: 10/01/01
ND: 10/31/01
FP: 05/23/02
RFE: 01/06/03 (Employment letter)
RFE resp rcvd by NSC : 01/22/03
AD: 02/24/03

I really am at a loss of words right now, catching up with my emotions.

Will be glad to answer your Qs and provide more details anybody likes.


All the best everybody. When everyone said your day will come soon, I did not believe that my day will come. Guess what - it has. Have faith in God. The power of prayer can do wonders (Said by Mother Teressa).

- T-Rex
(Named for being extinct, outdated, outlived, even after being a strong, ferocious animal, for no reason of it's own - That's how I felt when I came to this board)
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T-Rex... yesterday was your lucky day. Lady luck finally smiled on you.. You should smile back at her...

T-Rex. Congratulations.

Do you have any idea that how long it takes to get approved after your RFE response reassigned back to the officer? Mine was reassigned back at Feb. 18th. I am waiting for the big date.
Congrats, T-Rex.

Glad to note that you didn't end up as a fossil waiting for your approval :)
Bearx - I don't know how long it takes after getting assigned to an officer as I nevr called an IIO to find out when my case was assigned back. All I know is until yesterday the message was "On Jan 22nd we recv your response to RFE..."

Frodo - Belive me, in another month - I would have ended up as a fossil.


Congratulations, T-Rex!

Hope the NSC folk have really found the velociraptors in them!

Again, congrats...!
Woo Hoo

This is outstanding news. Caps off a great day with both yourself and Jack Hannah approved. This gives heart to the rest of us to continue the struggle. Good luck with whatever you choose to do with the rest of your life. Is all up to you now!
Thank you all for your wishes. I hope and wish to see approval messages posted by you all on board very soon. Have faith. It's just a matter of time.

My analysis on why some cases get approved before some after. Really depends on:

1. The adjudicating officer and his workload.
2. IF RFEd, then is RFE response acceptable.
3. IF a "Sounds Like" name check is found during IBIS check. This may delay your case by a few weeks and IIO will never tell you this. Maybe they do not have access to this info.
4. Any prior complicated immigration history - change of visa statuses, H1 jobs, etc. Sometimes may cause a bit of a delay while they investigate if you wee ever out of status.
5. If your sponsoring company does not have a bad track record. e.g. SOme desi companies have complaints filed against them with INS. This may delay while they investigate if your case is genuine.
6. Credentials - Education, Past employment - not sure if this plays a significant role, but could be a factor.

Also some myths that have been going around this board, can be clarified by reading the SOP document for NSC's I-485 procedures. This doc can be accessed at:


Did you know that:
1. Your time clock for no. of days pending (to compare against NSC's processing times) starts from your RD not ND.
2. Cases for adjudication are prioritized by country of birth, RD and Priority date (PD).
3. RFE must be replied within 90 days.
4. If your FP date is over 12 months but less than 15 months, your case is given a higher priority for adjudication.

Read more facts in the document above. It provides an interesting reading. Also a caution, the SOP document also says that the supervisor re-assigns priorities from time to time on which cases get approved first. They have a weekly meeting on this or something.

Am always glad to be of help and answer Qs for you folks. As for my personal case forecast, after months of Rupnet data analysis, and re-adjusting for INS freeze, etc. I had forecast my AD to be last week of Feb. Don't know why, but it came true.
