Rd 1/30/02 Eb2 Rir


Registered Users (C)
Hello Everyone,

I wanted us all to track the I140 process, in this new thread. Please indicate you RD, RIR and EB...so that this would help me and all in knowing their timing.

My RD 1/30/02

Thank you all
Is this thread alive. I would like to be in contact with people who are waiting for there I-140 approvals.

If this is not the right thread please let me know about the active thread.

Yes its a active thread

Other who are waiting for the I140 approval will post their information here. Let wait and see.
Reach_Ins and KM-MP - Please use the other forum

There is a forum that is widely used for tracking i-140 issues at Nebraska. It is one folder above this on the i-i40 Issues thread and is called

NSC Approvals Tracker 9 - starting 10th July 02

Please post your details there. I have already added Reach_Ins to the tracker.

All the best


Here is my details.

RD 04/30/2002

I checked the automed message yesterday, it said it may take around 90-120 days.

I could not find the other thread you were talking about.