Rd 1/14/01 Nd 2/1/01 Rfe: 1/14/02


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I received the RFE in the mail today. Its about medical and states as follows:

Please return to the physician who conducted your "Medical Examination of Aliens Seeking Adjustment of Status"(recorded on Form I-693). This physician must advice you regarding the new legislation on vaccinations for adjustment applicants who filed Form I-485 on or after September 30, 1996.

The medical examination (Form I-693) you previously submitted with your adjustment application is enclosed for your and the examining physician\'s convenience. The examining physician has indicated that "Applicant is not current for recommended age-specific imminuzation...." or has failed to make any immunization determination on Form I-693.

The Form I-693 is in a sealed envelop and I have not seen what the Physician had written on it. I went thru a blank I-693 form and noticed that on Immunization Determination there are two check boxes
1) Applicant is currently for recommended age-specific immunizations
2) Applicant is not current for ..........and I have encouraged that appropriate immunizations be obtained.

What do the two Check Boxes actually mean?

on the back of the form which lists the action needed it states for immunization incomplete as - Immunizations are not required, but the applicant should be encouraged to go to the local health Department for appropriate immunizations.

I have had all immunizations but do not have record of it. As stated above if immunizations are not required then why RFE?

Anyone had similar RFE? If not, do you know which box your physician had checked? I would appreciate your response.

The RFE also asks for the name, location and start date of my employment. Is this common? I am in the same job since 1996-no changes. So just wondering why this question?
Can you please specify...

... who was your Medical Examiner. Your response will be greatly appreciated.
Doctor needs to check

box 1. There is an another form called, 693 supplemental form for all immunization. That form explains all vaccines you need to take for your age and stuff. Usually Doctors attach that form with 693. My lawyer gave that form to me. In your case Doctor might have missed that. I would advise you to immunize yourself if you dont have records and have that doctor again check box 1.
That\'s odd

If you vaccinations were not up to date or you did not have any record, the doctor should have told you so!!

Maybe you went to the WRONG doctor!

My doctor gave me the sealed packet for INS as well as my copy (she gave me a copy of every piece of paer she put in the sealed envelope). In fact, the INS form states on it that one of the copies are for the applicant. Why did your doctor not give you a copy?

I would say go back to the doctor & have it sorted out.
No Title

Went to doctor yesterday. He had overlooked checking any of the boxes for Immunizations. He did it yesterday and also attached a copy of immunizations and gave it back in a sealed envelop.

I did ask for applicant\'s copy. I was informed that the INS will issue it to me when the processing is done. I was also told that I am not supposed to know what is there on the Medical Form at this stage (but he did show it to me) and hence they give it to us in a sealed envelop.

It makes sense. IF we get a copy now, then what is the point in sealing the envelop? Any thoughts?
It is a bull shit that your doctor talking

there is no harm in giving ones own medical record, I have never heard
of it before. The reason they seal is to protect if from tampering.
I think you should call him and give him a hard time. He is a one heck of a m~n.