"maintaining residence"


Registered Users (C)
Ok guys
- have read a lot on this forum about "maintaining residence"...
To start with does anybody know what "Maintaining residence" means?
Does it mean keeping a house or apartment here?
So, what happens to somebody who doesnot keep an apartment here in the US, since he works for US company outside US, but visits every 6 months? (Ofcourse he has bank accounts, cc\'s, etc...)

How different is that requirement of "maintaining residence" he has applies for a re-entry permit? In that case is it ok to not have a house or apartment?
What about giving a friends address who has a house. Assume that is your sub tenant residence!!!

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set up a tent in a desert and call it a home.
Actually, there is a famous criminal case. US Court of
Appeals for 9th circuit ruled that a tent at campsite
qualifies as a home against search without a warrant