Quickest ways to deportation


New Member
Does any one on here know the best ways to get deported on a B-2 Visa? How can the INS be alerted to an illegal alien in a way that will guarantee deportation?
i need to have soem of my enemies deported, they called the INS on me, but they didnt know i'm legal, so i'm taking revenge!
Reporting Immigrants

I am sure that you are upset with these individuals but you must understand the severity of what you are about to undertake. Depending on there situation you may be sentencing someone to death, this is not something to take lightly and you should find it in your heart to just forgive them and move on. These people will be separated from friends and family quite possibly for the rest of their lives, it is a very tragic event for all involved and the most atrocious act that the United States commits on a daily basis. You sound like you are younger and that you are acting on anger alone. I have dedicated my life to helping keep families intact and I support individuals like myself who have not lead the most responsible life due to different reasons. The point is that deportation is inhumane and immoral. I hope that you will reconsider your stance and become active in making changes in laws that currently even threaten your own very existance. Beware! The government is actively looking for illegals to deport and you are not exempt unless you are an American Citizen. You can be deported even if you are a permanent resident.
dont be vendicted

this is not the way. dont go an eye for eye , let life and destiny take care of them. you may not even be christian but let me tell hell is here is not uder us is here with us cause for every action there is a reaction. we all pay with blood what we do here . so let them be dont you be that way cuase it will come and harm you in the near future. smile and let them be your enemys will be punish and the punishement they will get will be worst than the one you want for them.

good luck
immigration dont just look for you even if you call them and remember this even if you are a naturalized citizen you are deportable. they gave it to you they can take it away so just be careful know what are the grounds for deportation? look into your life and you may find one for you to be deported as well :p
I am clean as a whistle, i doubt they find anything on me! If someone has cancer you give them medice, you dont tell them to pray and it will go away. Prayer is powerfull but we have to takea ctions to help our self. If someone comes into your house and starts to rape your wife, if you can do something to stop it, you will. SOmeones trying to rape me, i cna do things to stop them and I will, its not all about revenge but self defense.
Relax...you are too angry...

concerningny said:
Does any one on here know the best ways to get deported on a B-2 Visa? How can the INS be alerted to an illegal alien in a way that will guarantee deportation?
I understand that you are very angry with this people...but my opinion is:"just forgive them and the divine justice comes next"...at least your are legal...
My advise to you is

don't waste your life on a piece of sh!t. Just move on with your life and forget the revenge thingie it may get you in trouble later on.