Questions regarding CPT (Curricular practical training)


New Member

I have some questions regarding CPT and will appreciate if someone can clarify. Unfortunately, the DSO I'm dealing with have little or no knowledge of this process and I need to provide him with all the details.

First, I would like to know when a student can apply for CPT. Does getting an internship in the field of studies give qualification for an CPT? According to USCIS regulation 8 CFR 214.2(f)(10)(i), "an F– 1 student may be authorized by the DSO to participate in a curricular practical training program that is an integral part of an established curriculum. Curricular practical training is defined to be alternative work/study, internship, cooperative education, or any other type of required internship or practicum that is offered by sponsoring employers through cooperative agreements with the school." The clarification I need is what is considered to be an integral part of an established curriculum? Does it mean that the school's requirement for obtaining a degree, masters for example, mentions that a student complete an internship or co-op? Or can a student be elegible for CPT even if there is no such degree requirement (from the school) but the internship is directly related to his/her field of studies? Also, does the student need to receive credit for a CPT?

Second, does the time used in CPT deducted from OPT? How is the time deducted if the internship is only part-time?

Finally, is there a way to expedite the OPT application process? I believe currently it can take upto 3 months, if not more, to get it approved and the internship offering companies may not be willing to wait that long to hire a candidate.

Many thanks,


Did you get any answers to your questions? I'm in a very similar situation. My program doesn't stipulate an internship as a requirement but it's usually assumed most students will do one and I can take 3 credits for it.

Any info you have would be greatly appreciated!

From my little experience, it depends on the DSO's interpretation. When I was in college we could get credit for an internship so this was considered by my DSO as meeting the criteria in the regulation you quoted. On the other hand, when my sister wanted to get CPT for a summer internship, the DSO refused a number of times saying it was not an integral part of the curriculum, although she had gotten permission from her school to receive credit for the intermship. After much back and forth emails, including one I sent to him, he eventually allowed her to get CPT.

I don't see why it was a big deal to begin with. Some people just like to be difficult. Yes she didn't have to have an internship to graduate, but she was going to get credit for the internship. So basically it depends on how difficult your DSO wants to be.

Thanks folu.

My DSO says it should be fine. Now my own department is checking further because they don't want to be doing anything 'illegal"...even though I and the DSO have explained to them that it's all fine!