Questions - Please help


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I'm preparing my package for NIW.

I think I can prepare a 15-20 page cover letter explaining how I meet the 7 points mentioned in the NYDOT case (of course, without referring to that infamous case and its rulings). I will also have supporting materials (reference letters, IGA letter, copies of publications, degrees, conference-reviewership etc.)

Here are my questions:

1) Is a 15-20 letter cover page too less/too much ? Should I expand/reduce ?

2) What other documents should I attach ?

Most important question:

3) I'm about to lose my current job (research position) so I want to send
the self-petitioned NIW in the next 2-3 days. Getting the next job may take upto a month (or more).

Q: What should I write in I-140 Part 6 (Basic information about the proposed employment) ? Should I leave it blank ?

4) Can I apply for EAD along with NIW ?

Please guide me.

Thanks a bunch!