Questions after Interview


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I got N-652 from San Jose DO today & the immigration office checked 'You passed the tests of English & U.S. history' and A) 'Your Application has been recommended for Approval'

I have following questions:

1) He did not give me an oath date & said a letter will come in 2-3 weeks
2) I saw in some cases one bar code pasted on the top right corner of the N-642 letter. what is that exactly?
3) Also he gave me one paper which states.
"The appointment letter for an oath ceremony has an questionaire on the reverse side. please fill out and sign the questionaire prior to attempting to enter the building for your naturalizatrion ceremony. iF the reverse side of the appointment letter (N-445) is not filled you will not be allowed to enter the building until you do so.
All questions on the questionaire pertain to the time period between your nautralization interview and the date you come to your ceremony to be naturalized"

Any one have similar experince ? is there anything which could go wrong between Approved interview and the oath ceremony?
Yes it very well could, from what I could infer, they do a verification with special attention to changes made in red during the interview, this is their final step towards approval for oath, so they want to be very careful. If your case is super clean, that is, all admissions to the country were legal, GC was obtained legally, you never received or helped any one receive any immigration benefit lying or other illegal means, no convictions of any kind ever anywhere in the world, no doubts of marriage or continuous residence issues, all responses under oath were true especially, then they schedule you for approval. I guess you should know if you have anything to worry about or not at this point, there are of course exceptions, some one in this forum thought they were not lying but in the eyes of the government they were so were denied.
Unless something odd happens, you should consider that you have "passed". You should get an oath letter sometime "soon" (in USCIS-time).

  1. Good - sounds like you should expect your letter soon
  2. no idea
  3. Yup, your oath letter has a bunch of questions ("have you left the country since your interview, have you been arrested, cited, etc ("including traffic offenses" - yes it actually mentions "tickets"), etc.

Is there anything that can go wrong - well, it is the USCIS, they can be creative. However, it sounds like all is well. Wait 4-6 weeks, if you don't get an oath letter, then start worrying. Otherwise, it's time for a little celebration.
"Is there anything that can go wrong?" Sure! Try not to get arrested for DUI between now and the oath...