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If u join the Army with a conditional green card...can u still apply for citizenship after a year or do u have to remove conditions before applying for citizenship.
i understand one can't apply with a conditional. all apply with actaul green cards. not sure of the process, but i also understand thta those who join the armed forces don't have to wait as long or do as much when they apply for citizenship.
What makes you think you can't join the army with a conditional green card Inquistor? The only condition on a conditional green card is that you have to remove the conditions after 2 years, other than that it affords the holder all benefits of a green card, including time spent in the USA counting towards citizenship.

Unless you can point to any specific regulations that state otherwise, I would say that a conditional green card holder is free to join the army.
TheInquisitor said:
i understand one can't apply with a conditional. all apply with actaul green cards. not sure of the process, but i also understand thta those who join the armed forces don't have to wait as long or do as much when they apply for citizenship.

WRONG - You can apply to join the armed forces and can INDEED apply for citizenship while you are a conditional resident, provided that you meet the requirements. I am not sure which one you referred to, but in either case your information is wrong. Many people apply for citizenship while the I751 has not yet been approved.
TheInquisitor said:
i understand one can't apply with a conditional. all apply with actaul green cards. not sure of the process, but i also understand thta those who join the armed forces don't have to wait as long or do as much when they apply for citizenship.

U didn't understand the question. I was asking if while in the Armed forces with a condtional green card u can apply for citizenship.

I know u can join the Army with a conditional green-card.
i didn't say you can't go into the armed forces as a cr.

soi take it peopel have the option to remove the contional status, but they don't have to. they could do it after two years, but if they want to have it after fivem, they can. but outside of a person marrying a citizen, who on earth is going to that?

but in any case, there are special rules for peopel in the military. they can get things faster and don't have to do other things. i am not going to look for them, but there are those rules.
Wow, it's really cool, cause for some reason I thought you couldn't join the army with a conditional gc! It's good that you can.
TheInquisitor said:
i didn't say you can't go into the armed forces as a cr.

soi take it peopel have the option to remove the contional status, but they don't have to. they could do it after two years, but if they want to have it after fivem, they can. but outside of a person marrying a citizen, who on earth is going to that?

but in any case, there are special rules for peopel in the military. they can get things faster and don't have to do other things. i am not going to look for them, but there are those rules.

Read carefully. Someone does not have the option to remove conditions --- if someone wants to preserve status, they ALWAYS need to apply to remove conditions in the 90 day period before the two year anniversary.

However, someone may also file for citizenship as soon as he/she is eligible. I.e. for regular people, if a person files for removal correctly, but after one year the application is not approved yet, that person may go ahead and file for citizenship even though conditions are not removed yet. Some people in that situation have gotten their I751 and N400 interview on the same day.

Yes, there are exceptions for people in the military as to when they can apply.
pianoplayer said:
Read carefully. Someone does not have the option to remove conditions --- if someone wants to preserve status, they ALWAYS need to apply to remove conditions in the 90 day period before the two year anniversary.

However, someone may also file for citizenship as soon as he/she is eligible. I.e. for regular people, if a person files for removal correctly, but after one year the application is not approved yet, that person may go ahead and file for citizenship even though conditions are not removed yet. Some people in that situation have gotten their I751 and N400 interview on the same day.

Yes, there are exceptions for people in the military as to when they can apply.
Okay... For example, I just got my conditional GC and joined the military the very next day. As a general rule, LPR's on active duty are eligible to file for citizenship after 1 year of service. Right? So, in this case it would be 1 year after getting a conditional GC and 9 months before I need to remove conditions. So, as a conditional resident, can I actually file a petition for naturalization before I even file for the removal of conditions? Or do I still have to remove conditions first?

However, someone may also file for citizenship as soon as he/she is eligible. I.e. for regular people, if a person files for removal correctly, but after one year the application is not approved yet, that person may go ahead and file for citizenship even though conditions are not removed yet. Some people in that situation have gotten their I751 and N400 interview on the same day.

oh okay. it probably just applies to those who married a citizen. but they are in the process of changing from conditional to permanent. the n400 does say one has to be lpr, but i take it reality has a exceptions if they take too long to remove the conditions.
TheInquisitor said:
oh okay. it probably just applies to those who married a citizen. but they are in the process of changing from conditional to permanent. the n400 does say one has to be lpr, but i take it reality has a exceptions if they take too long to remove the conditions.
You don't stop being an LPR while conditions are being removed.