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Question regarding disqualification, 2nd round of drawings in October? Please help? :)


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Hi everybody,

I am an Australian citizen, living in Australia.

I entered the DV lottery that was drawn in May of this year (DV-2014). I didn't get selected. But my question is; I've been wondering if there is any way to know if you were disqualified or you just didn't get selected just because you weren't drawn?

There's nothing that indicates to me that I was disqualified, but I just wanted to make sure because I want to enter again this October and it is frustrating to not know if you simply weren't drawn or if it was because your entry was disqualified. Can an entry be disqualified after it has been successfully submitted (meaning, you did receive a Confirmation Number), or does the successful entry mean that your entry will definitely be included in the draw?

Also, does anybody know if they are doing a 2nd round of drawings later this year at all for the DV-2014, like they do other years?

Thanks so much for any help :D
No I don't think you could tell if you were selected then disqualified. However, the reasons for DQ at that stage are mainly multiple entries - they don't verify much else at that point, so if you know you only entered once it is unlikely you were disqualified.

Given the additional number of selectees this year I think it is almost certain that there will be no second draw for DV2014.
You were just unlucky, that's all. Took me 9 tries before I got selected last year. Some have tried even more times with no success. Other lucky bastards, on the first try!

Have to admit that I, too, wondered if I had stuffed something up on the applications to not get selected so many years but like britsimon says, there's not much to DQ you in the first stage. Maybe the photo? Just make sure that's as close to their specs as you can get.

Keep trying. Good luck.
does anyone know when they will verify that photo and info is correct in the DV entry?

I believe you can't successfully submit if it doesn't meet the specs (I had to redo photos on a previous application because it wouldn't accept them) but I can't say to what extent the program will be able to exactly determine if the photo is valid.
Thats the part that I agonized over as well. The photo has very specific requirements that I made sure mine adhered to. While you may have just had the unfortunate luck of just not being picked make sure before october you get all of your stuff together and make sure your photo is correct.
That's true! I had to adjust my photo too before it finally got accepted. So most likely, it's not the disqualification matter, but rather a matter of back luck. Try again this year! :)
The computer will accept photos that are the correct size but will also accept them if they have shadows or the person in the photo isnt positioned in the correct dimensions so be sure to check that as well.
My understanding is that the selectees have their photographs digitally compared to the photos of all the entrants. If duplicates are found, the entries would be disqualified. USCIS would also do a similar check on names and the resulting disqualifications create holes in the numbering (since the numbers were assigned to selectees as a first step).
The computer will accept photos that are the correct size but will also accept them if they have shadows or the person in the photo isnt positioned in the correct dimensions so be sure to check that as well.

Yes, that photo validator seems to just check size. I played with it once, submitting a photo that was 1 pixel off and it was rejected. Once I made it 600x600, it was accepted. But it was a photo of my dog in front of a leafy background. I wonder if he would have been a successful selectee?
Then if you would have been able to prove that you are legally married to your dog, you could have submitted your application! lol

Yes, that photo validator seems to just check size. I played with it once, submitting a photo that was 1 pixel off and it was rejected. Once I made it 600x600, it was accepted. But it was a photo of my dog in front of a leafy background. I wonder if he would have been a successful selectee?

You just put a smile on my face over breakfast :)

Hope all is going well with you ! (and yes, I will be entering again this year!)
