Question regarding current CP Procedures???


Registered Users (C)
G'day CP Gurus

I've been browsing this forum for a bit and I appreciate guys spending their valuble time doing research etc. and helping fellow CPers. Thanks to all and special thanks to JoeF for his contributions.

My understanding of the present CP process was.. (please correct me if I am wrong)

After I-140 is approved

- NVC creates Case
-NVC sends case P3 to the lawyer
-Lawyer/yourself prepare P3 and sends fee and P3 sent to St. Louis
-Case is reviewed by NVC
- NVC sends your info to the consulate.

In my case my lawyer directly sent P3 to the US consulate in Sydney on Oct 20th 2002. So my P3 was NOT SENT TO ST. Louis.

I am quite confused. And can only think of 3 possibilities

1> I am completely wrong about my understanding of the CP process (I hope that's the case!!!!!)

2> There is some confusion about this process of sending P3 to St. Louis as talked about on this forum (I doubt it - some one could have said something about that one)

3> My lawyer is wrong. (I hope that not the case - otherwise I am $%#&*)

Please comment...