Question regarding Birth certificate


Registered Users (C)

Do we need to submit the Birth Certificate also along with I-485/765/130 application package? I did not send one with my package and am now worried that I might get an RFE.

Can I send it now as an addendum? If so, at what address? My DO is Los Angeles.

Also, my Birth certificate is in Hindi and I only have a copy. If I am asked to show my BC at the interview, does the copy suffice?

Thanks in advance
You should have sent the birth certificate, that's an important document ! You have to make a copy of the BC and notarized it, and you will also have to translate the BC in english and have it notarized (at least, that's what I did). If I were you, I think the best would be to wait for the RFE and to send all the papers. That's just my opinion.

Foreign Birth Certificate


Does anyone have details on what the foreign birth certificate requirements are for the Green Card process? Does it matter that the foreign birth certificate indicates only father's name. Will it be a concern?
Is the origional birth certificate needed for the interview or a certified English translation is enough
To answer everyone's questions here...

Yes, copies of original birth certificate (if available) should be submitted with the I-485 failing which you can expect an RFE

If birth certificate has incorrect names/missing names, you should produce notarized affidavits from parents and close relatives stating your place and date of birth including names of your parents. These affidavits should be accompanied by school records, church records, census records or whatever records that have your name and date of birth. You should submit a copy of your original birth certificate.

If you never had a birth certificate, notarized affidavits from parents and relatives are needed (like above). These affidavits should be accompanied by a non-availability certificate from a concerned authority which states that their records were searched and it was found that your birth was not registered. Concerned authorities in this case could be the office that deals with birth and death records or the civil registrars office of the city you were born in.

If you have a birth certificate that was registered late, you need to submit a copy of the non-availabiltiy certificate (to prove that your birth was not registered and records were not available and hence you registered late) along with your birth certificate.

If you have a birth certificate in a non-english language, you need to submit a copy of that plus a certified translation of your non-english birth certificate.

Birth certificate from Consulate/Embassy is not guaranteed to be accepted by USCIS. A lot of people on the employment forum had submitted birth certificates from embassy and was not accepted while a few got lucky. So the chances of success are 50-50 and its upto you to choose this option.

USCIS understands that the format of birth certificates is not conistent across different countries. So its okay if you have only one parent listed on the birth certificate. It will be accepted

For the interview, it is a good idea to carry all originals of whatever copies you submitted with your application.

(P.S: This is the bottomline. The RFE decision depends on the officer who is looking at your case. Some are satisfied with just the affidavits while some need all kinds of proof to get a smile on their face. So generalizing based on someone elses experience doesnt work in this case)

Hope this helps
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Thanks for your replies

I have my birth certificate but have alreadysent in the packet to Chicago lockbox and even recvd. the receipts.

Can I still send in my birth certificates? Or do I have to wait for an RFE?

Thanks in advance
rajeshfromLA said:
Thanks for your replies

I have my birth certificate but have alreadysent in the packet to Chicago lockbox and even recvd. the receipts.

Can I still send in my birth certificates? Or do I have to wait for an RFE?

Thanks in advance

If you send your birth certificate now, it would be considered unsolicited mail as there wont be any reference to your case. You should wait for RFE and then send it.