Question on published material about the aliens work


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I work for a research lab and my employer is planning on sponsoring me on the EB1-outstanding prof. or researcher category. I see that for this I need to show “Published material in professional publications written by others about the alien's work in the academic field” . What does this mean? Can one prove this by saying one has, say, 100, citations? Or are they looking for statements about my work in some journal? If the latter, what kind of statements. Are they looking for some sort of article where my research is highlighted (say, one paragraph devoted to me and what I have done), or would a statement like “an excellent overview of this is provided by you-know-who”?

Thanks much
Originally posted by yesven
I work for a research lab and my employer is planning on sponsoring me on the EB1-outstanding prof. or researcher category. I see that for this I need to show “Published material in professional publications written by others about the alien's work in the academic field” . What does this mean? Can one prove this by saying one has, say, 100, citations? Or are they looking for statements about my work in some journal? If the latter, what kind of statements. Are they looking for some sort of article where my research is highlighted (say, one paragraph devoted to me and what I have done), or would a statement like “an excellent overview of this is provided by you-know-who”?

Thanks much

All the above count.


Thanks a lot. No one has written a paragraph about me [yet! Why lose hope :) ]. But I will use my citations to make this point. All the statements about my papers are pretty ordinary citations. Things like "so-and-so approach this problem from this angle in 1999" and words to that effect. Not sure if these help at all.

Mere reference to your work or citation of your publication in bibliographies is insufficient to claim as published material. Published material is something about you in professional or major trade journals (like science, nature or times) relating to your work in your field. It might be a featured article or a highlighting about your work.
That is what I was afraid of!!

There was this one time when I got a award for which I had to write a self portrait. This was published in a major journal in my field. I wonder if I can use that? Problem is, I will use the same thing for proving that I got an award. Maybe I can use the award scroll for that and use the writeup for this part. Any thoughts?

Or… I can, in the next month or so, convince my peers to write a page about me and my ability to walk on water :)
$$01011964 is right. citation doesn't fall into the "published material in professional publications written by others about the alien's work in the academic field"--It should be in trade journals, for example, in my field, Chemical & Engineering News, in which there is a column called "Science & Technology Concentrates".

However, citations does accounts in "publicatinos".