Question on N-600 form for a minor


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Hello All,
My wife and I became US citizens on Dec 3, 2009 by naturalization. We are applying for N-600 form for our children who are minors. The question in page 3 of the form, Part4, item # 4 is; what is your Nationality? Should we answer as USA or the original country of birth nationality.
I know this sounds like a insipid question, but any inputs would be highly helpful and appreciated.

Also, how long does it take to get the naturalization certificate for the children if the local DO is Seattle?

Easy, country of birth it is where you were born. Country of nationality put USA. By the way, the question is 4. Country of Nationality.
As a US citizen, whenever you are interacting with the US government and are asked about your citizenship or nationality, you must always say the USA even if you have another citizenship(s). Country of birth is a different thing; for that you should answer where you were born.