Question on how to apply GC after H-1B, It's hard for IT worker to apply?


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I heard that today is kind of hard for tech/IT. worker to apply for a GC? Is this true? I read this news from a website a while ago. It's because there are many qualified unemployed IT US citizen. Is this true?

Secondly, my H-1B was approved 6 months ago, I do not know if my employer is willing to sponsor me a GC (Green Card), but I'd like to ask the following questions to get some inputs from you guys so that I can share the knowledge with friends here:

1. When is the best time to apply for a GC after H-1B got approved? A year after? 2-3 yrs?

2. I am not familiar with the GC process, I read on the FAQs over the forum, and it seems that GC process is long and complicated.

a. What must employee and the employer do in order to get GC for the employee?
b. What are the steps to get a GC after H-1B? I read some articles and it involves I-485, AR11 or something, etc.... Anyone here can summarize it in detail?

Thanks a lot, and good luck for anyone's applying.