Question on carrying the GC Card.


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Question on carrying the GC Card.

Folks, wanted to know if you are actually supposed to carry the GC card with you all the time (I think it says so on the card) even when you within the US. Seems like it might be a risky thing to do in case you lose you wallent etc. Please advise.

Secondly, can someone please outline or point to a source that lists the benefits of the GC (other than permanent residency, ofcourse) such as waiver to visas to some countries, tax issues etc? I know this may be a naive question, but your info will be appreciated.

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Yes you need to carry it at all times.
Keep a copy at home/safe place, don\'t worry too much about loosing it, it would take I90 to get a new one.
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Visas are based on your country of citizenship. Green Card has nothing to do with it. So you need to have a visa if you are going to a country that requires visas for citizens of your native country. I think Canada may be the only exception.
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You can determine the risk level of carrying the card
by answering the following questions:
"How many times have you lost your wallet in past 5 years?"

If you answer None, then you should not worry about the
risk. Your card may also be in danger if you leave it
at home while you go to work or on "in-the-USA" vacation.
A burglar can steal it.

Of course, if you live in a neighborhood where a lot of roobery
happen, then it raise a different problem. When I lived in such
surroundings, I usually carry two wallets - one dummy wallet with
a little bit mug money to fool any robbers, but the other wallet
is the real one I keep real moneys. Robbers usually do not do
a pat-down frisk on their victims.
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thanks to all of you for the informative answers. If anyone else has anything more to add for all of our benefit, please do so.

Best wishes
Not a visa...

It\'s not a visa, just a "prior approval" letter from the "Instituto Nacional de Migración" which you get from your local consulate. But - this can take 3 or 4 weeks according to a friend of mine who got this from the Mexican consulate in Houston.
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HI all,

I am just throwing this info. Some times it is not possible to carry the plastic as we may have to send the card along with passport to consulates for obtaining Visas. This may or may not apply for all.
This is especially true if you are living in areas where the there is no consulates. Then it may take about a week to get your card. What do we do in that case?

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So far as the INS is concerned, that is not their
problem. But don\'t worry about such extreme things.
Otherwise, where should we keep our green card when
we swim?