Question of Medical Exam


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I have a question about Tuberculosis. Is the X-ray examination required for employee-based applicant? The docotor said that I should do the skin test first. If the skin test is positive, then the X-ray exam is required.

However, the instructions of Form I-693 (Rev. 04/25/02) state that: "One of the conditions you will be tested for is tuberculosis. If you are 15 years of age or older, you will be required to have a chest X-ray examination. Exception: If you are pregnant or applying for adjustment of status under the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, you may choose to have either a chest X-ray or a tuberculin skin test."

What did you do for your Tuberculosis test? Eager to get your answer..


The doctor is correct.

However, I would like to add that in many countries (India included), we are administered some vaccines in childhood (forgot which one but perhaps it is BCG) due to which the TB skin test comes out positive. In that case one goes for X-ray to confirm the presence/absence of TB. Usually the doctor asks if you have had that vaccine (or it is part of their standard questionnaire) and if yes, directly goes for the X-ray.

Yes, it's BCG that could cause a positive skin test.

I've had BCG as a child, and so have my wife and son. But we've never tested positive for a skin test, done a couple of times, 5 years apart, in different places. I prefer to go the skin test route, soley because I don't want to be exposed to x-rays unnessarily....:)