Question - how to count the days


Registered Users (C)
Guys when we are counting 180 days, are we counting weekends also.
So if my RD is Feb 1, then will my 180 days be Aug 1.

No Title

I assume that all the days are counted. Otherwise the law would specify 180 work days.

Just my opinion. I am neither a lawyer nor can read the mind of the INS.
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Ciba when you say Calender days, I am assuming it means Weekends are also included..otherwise if we are talking 180 working days then it will be actually 250 total days...

When we say 90 days for the EAD, does it mean total number of days or the work days...

No Title

Hi helper,

Yes, calendar day includes weekends. That is how 90 days
rules for EAD are calculated.
