Question for CHICKEN65???


Registered Users (C)
Hello Chicken65,

Thanks for your valuable info on the AC21 Portability. I have few more questions for you and appreciate your response.

1. After using EAD, within what time frame you got your GC

2. I heard that once I use EAD, after 60 days, INS may come
to know in their system that I have used EAD. Is it true?
In that scenario, 100% is it possible to get an RFE??

3. What happens if we are not able to find a job but GC sponsor
employer is ready to give employement letter & future offer
without paystubs?

Please reply back ASAP.


Question#2: The only way INS would know that u used EAD is if ur employer informs them (after u update I-9 form for employer's records). To my best knowledge, employer has no busniess doing it on his own volition.

1. When you say "I used my EAD", I didn't *do* anything with it.
When I got my new job, the employer just took a photocopy
of it. That's all. I expect they took it just to cover themselves
that they are employing me legally.
I don't think they informed INS - I mean, what exactly
are they going to inform INS about?

I was laid off in second week of June. Started working
early July. Case got approved Sept 20th.

2. I don't think INS has any way of knowing that you are
using your EAD card. I didn't file any forms or notify them.
As for getting an RFE, I was 99% certain I was going to get
one. I mean, my application said I'd been working for
WorldCom for the past 4+ years. Unless IIO had head in sand,
he'd know about the 17,000 lay-offs. Was all over the news.
That, coupled with me changing states, added further weight
to my belief of getting an RFE. But I guess one of two things happened:
through random sampling, I got through without an RFE or
IIO saw me move half way across country and made assumption I must
have a new job. Who knows? It really does seem arbitrary who gets
an RFE.

3. I can't offer any insight into your third point, other than to say it might
work, in a pinch, but try not to put yourself in that situation. I am guessing
you are planning all sorts of contingencies! I know I did.

The only INS form that any employee files is I-9. This form is not meant to be submitted to anyone but it's only for employer's records. I don't think there is any procedure about informing INS or anyone. I guess the only agency that might get informed is IRS at the least when you fill out a W-4 or perhaps the credit reporting agencies if your employers let them know or if you apply for a card ro something.

Hope this helps !!
I9 is kept with the employer..and maintained in their records..
It is needed only and only whne the employer receives a INS AUDIT...

There are various ways to find out about UR employemnt Change..But does INS do it....I dont think so....

So just wait for INS come up with its Magic EAc numbers to approve...and to send RFEs.......