Question about the G-325A to be submitted with the I-130 and I-129F


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I got married a month ago in Bangladesh. I am starting the process of filing the I-130 and then the I-129F once I get the first NOA.

In filing the I-130, 2 G-325a forms are required. One for me and one for my wife.

My question is who signs my wife's form? Am I signing it on her behalf or will I need to mail it out to her in Bangladesh, have her sign it, and mail it back to me so I can submit it to Vermont?

You need to mail it out to her in Bangladesh, have her sign it, and mail it back to me so I can submit it to Vermont?

Jumping ahead here to the I-129F...

I was just looking through what teh form required.

I have to file another set of G-325s with this form? If so I'll send over 2 sets for her to sign now and get it over with.

Also, item 13 on the I-129F.... "Have you ever filed for this or any other alien fiancé(e) before?" .. Am I supposed to say yes because I have filed the I-130?

Thanks again.
I-129f and I-130 need two G325a forms EACH one for you and one for your wife.

Say NO for the Q13 IF you are filing the k3 for the first time as the k3 process EFFECTIVELY starts with the I-130 and eventually climaxex with the gc for your wife after she enters USA, a multi step /form process that spans fpr 2-4 years .
Are we allowed to list the addresses for the past five years for the G352a on a separate sheet of paper? Do we need to do anything special if an attachment is allowed?

The reason I am asking is because the boxes provided don't work well (or provide enough room) for addresses in Bangladesh and I'd rather they get the address right.
