Question about Reentry Permit and working in Canada


Registered Users (C)
I am a Permanent Resident and was recently married to a Canadian citizen. He had to go back to Canada after a month of being married due to work and school obligations. I am a nurse and I plan to work in Canada so I can be with my husband. We plan to move back and settle in the U.S. after he finishes school (about 2-3 years from now). I am aware that I need to apply for a Reentry Permit because I am certain that I won't be flying back to the U.S. after at least a year. I have a few questions in mind:

1. Am I allowed to accept employment in Canada if I am a Permanent Resident? And does employment in Canada affect my reentry to the U.S. even with an accompanying Reentry Permit?

2. I've been here in the U.S. for the past 5 1/2 years as a Permanent Resident. I've been out of the country for only about a week at a time for the past 3 years so I know I am elligible to apply for Citizenship. Does accepting employment in Canada jeopardize my application for Citizenship? I plan to apply for Citizenship before I leave but I'm not sure if working in Canada will affect my citizenship application.

Any information or insights will be gladly appreciated!