Question about Labor Certification


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Hello Guys,

What\'s the difference between Regular and Limited Review under Labor certification ? Which one is faster ?

Difference between Regular and Limited Review

Limited Review is much faster than regular. Limited Review (RIR) in which you need advertisments while filing the case, and your employer gets the resumes he will have a hold on them unlike Regular you file the case without advertisements and after initial review of the case DOL asks you to place the advertisement, resumes goes to dept. They will have a hold on the resumes. Its better to go through RIR. But in Pittsburgh Regular cases are much faster.
Difference between Regular and Limited Review

Limited Review is much faster than regular. Limited Review (RIR) in which you need advertisements while filing the case, and your employer gets the resumes he will have a hold on them unlike Regular you file the case without advertisements and after initial review of the case DOL asks you to place the advertisement, resumes goes to dept. They will have a hold on the resumes. Its better to go through RIR. But in Pittsburgh Regular cases are much faster.