question about J1


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Hi, my 3 yr. contract here in the US as a teacher is going to expire this July 14, 2008 my question now, can I get another J1 visa or apply another school/program just as the same J1 status or do I need to stay in our country to comply our 2 year residency?Please anybody can help me answer this question really appreciate it.Thank you so much

You can get another J1 visa or apply another school/program, but your current J1 status is no longer valid.

If your current J1 visa requires you for the 2-year home country residency service, you do not need to stay in your country now to comply our 2 year residency.

But if your want to appply for Green Card, you need to get J1 waiver or stay in your country to comply our 2 year residency. (see
Thanks Victor for the reply. I applied waiver last year but still pending coz I don't have my no objection yet.I have another question. I want to go back in our country and conduct training so that I can get my no objection this April spring break, I have only 4 months left stay here in the US and it will end this july 14, 2008 can I get another J1 visa stamping in our country and is it not hard to renew my visa with 4 months valid left only?

If I can't continue my application here in the US can I apply my no objection and waiver in our country? They said if you already in your country I can't apply my no objection and waiver there. Is it true? Please give me some advise. Thanks so much.