question about illegal acts by an immigrate


New Member
My boss is from another country (15 years in the US) and he is an owner of a business in California and he gets investors to invest in the company (thousands) but he is not paying employees. His rent, car payment, and credit cards are being paid from company funds. Some employees have not been paid for 2-3 months.

People have gone to the labor board but all they do is slap his hands.

I am sure our governmnet does not want people coming to this country "ripping off" our citizens.

What can be done?


JoeF said:
Pretty heavy allegations. I hope you can prove that, otherwise it would be slander.
As far as his personal expenses go, that may well be covered in his contract. I don't think you have access to his contract... So, be careful with such allegations.
As far as not paying the employees, that's of course illegal. But why are the employees staying with the company then? Nobody forces anybody to work for a non-paying company...
So, if you have legitimate complaints, take it up with the authorities. If you have a personal problem with this particular person, take it up with him. In either case, there is no need to post potentially slanderous stuff on this (or any other) board.

Actually, it's libel, slander is spoken.