Question about I-131 form


Registered Users (C)
Well, basically my family and I applied for our travel documents a while ago and already received them (it only took about 3 weeks from the time we sent out the applications to the time we received the documents by mail.) The problem, however, is that my date of birth was messed up on mine. It was a mistake made on my side. I'm not quite sure how it happened, but anyways, I had to send out a letter explaining what happened so they could fix it. I also included a new payment. It came back about a week later with them explaining that i needed to include 2 new photos, meaning that it would be treated as a new application. Now here's the problem: I had planned on going home this summer after I had received the travel documents. When i sent out the last application with the 2 new photos, I thought there shouldn't be a problem, as i would probably receive the document and still have enough time to go home and come back by the end of August before classes started again. However, just my luck, my family received a letter telling us that we needed to go for finger printing on August 9th. So, this really doesn't leave me much time. I have about a month left before I have to come back, and I have no idea when I will be getting these documents. Here's my question: since I have already been approved, and all that needs to be fixed is that one small error on the document, is there any way that it could be processed faster and not treated as a new application? I'm hoping that there's someone out there who has had a similar problem that could help me out! And sorry for making this so long, but I just needed to explain everything.

Thanks in advance!