Question about entry date


Registered Users (C)

I just got news from my attorney saying that my PR to canada is approved and told that i have to send my passport to Buffalo for stamping.

My question is that when the passport is stamped a date is entered in the stamp so that we have to travel to canada before that date.

1) Do you know how they determine the date ?

2) When i send my passport for stamping is it possible for me to ask for a extension or a specific date for entry to Canada ?

3) If i am not able to travel to canada before the date they stamp is it possibl to ask for a extension?

Thanks much

Here are the answers to your questions to the best of my understanding:

1) The visa stamp in the passport has an expiration date of one year after you had completed your medical exams. For example, if you had completed your medican exam on Aug 1st, 2005 and you are sending your passport for stamping now, the stamp will be good till Aug 1st 2006 and you must enter Canada before that.

2 & 3) Extension is not possible, it is like "use it or lose it" deal. If you are not able to enter Canada by the specified date in the stamp, you will have to re-apply for PR, which means starting all over again.

thanks and a new question

Thanks for your response. One more question if by any chance i cannot go to canada by the expiry date will they give my landing fee back even though my PR is approved?

I believe so

I do remember reading in these forums quite a few times that if you decide not to land, you may request your PR fee back which is refundable according to the documentation. This however does not include the application fee, medical costs etc that you spent on the applicaton.

cant he re apply for medical?

What if you apply for medical again. it will give you more time for landing,
just a thought.thank you.
StonedAnt said:
Here are the answers to your questions to the best of my understanding:

1) The visa stamp in the passport has an expiration date of one year after you had completed your medical exams. For example, if you had completed your medican exam on Aug 1st, 2005 and you are sending your passport for stamping now, the stamp will be good till Aug 1st 2006 and you must enter Canada before that.

2 & 3) Extension is not possible, it is like "use it or lose it" deal. If you are not able to enter Canada by the specified date in the stamp, you will have to re-apply for PR, which means starting all over again.


I had got my medicals done on 04/04/05. When I got my visa to land, it was valid till end of April... so I got a few weeks extra, though this might not be the case always.