question about employement based PR citizenship application


New Member
If a person got the GC thru employer and everything is real employee worked 6 months beyond getting green card. Only issue is employer never paid prewailing wage (shown on the labor cert.) even after that person got the green card. (because of not employee but employer is very very tight w/ money issues ). Do you guys think that when u apply for citizenship IOfficer might come up w/ this question and think that it is wrong?

Is there anybody in this thread got citizenship or going thru citizenship in the situation above? or do u know someone in this situation?

Please let me know your ideas or experience.
Thx in advance
I got my GC in march and was layed-off in july the same year.
I don't think this will cause any problems in n400. you can get your n400 approved even by being un-employed, as employment is not a requirement for citizenship, being in status is a requirement (physical presence, continuous residence etc)
Hope that helps.
I agree with MissMolina that being employed is not a criteria for successful naturalization. Additionally, I'd say that the prevailing wage problem will have no bearing on your case since you were verifyably employed by the sponsoring company and USCIS has no direct knowledge or interest in what you were paid.
boatbod said:
I agree with MissMolina that being employed is not a criteria for successful naturalization. Additionally, I'd say that the prevailing wage problem will have no bearing on your case since you were verifyably employed by the sponsoring company and USCIS has no direct knowledge or interest in what you were paid.

thx very much for your answers, it was very hard time thru gc process and hanged w/ the same employer even they paid less than what you deserve. I just want to be sure that preweiling wage is not important thru citizenship. I dont want to be in a victim situation because of aceeptance to be paid less and worked so hard. In fact it is 7k less than a yearly prewailing wage which is not big amount of difference.