Question about 129f


Registered Users (C)
I have sent in 129f and i am wondering what will happend next?

i read somewhere that we will now receive DS 3032 ...however, i am not sure if i will receive it or my wife will?

also, i need help with finding out what paper work will i need to fill out next?
can someone please let me know of the next steps. i have no clue what to do next...

both of your wife and you will receive the notices from uscis ,if you are not living in together.(obviously,you are not living in together,otherwise you don't have to file for a k-3 visa to bring one into US)

i think you filed i-129F for your foreign spouse,,,your alien spouse will receive an
interview letter from her country US consulate to check her which is eligible to get K-3 visa to enter US ,,or not,,,,,

so just wait for uscis' rely ,,,they will tell what they need to process and approve the application , you should get help from specialized immigration lawyer
otherwise it's easy to get in wrong way!