PT filed GC under full..will take 6-8yrs!!


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PT filed GC under schedule full..will take 6-8yrs!!

My husband (he is Physical Therapist) applied for our GCs under schedule A (special interest) in June '04. Our current attorney says that there was a quota for 50,000 GCs under schedule A and it is full now. And that now our GC applications have fallen in the general Employment-based GC and will take 6-8 yrs, and all we can do is wait! He says the wait will depend on our priority date, but I am not sure what it means. What is priority date?

Our cases have been in the FBI name/security check stage since Nov '05. Everytime we put in a referral/inquire (which is every 2 months), we are told that 'necessary background checks' are going on.
Can something be done? Can someone give any input on this matter?
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Priority Date is when you I-140 was filed; June 2004 in your case.

The the total time will depend upon your nationality. If you're from India, China or Mexico.6-8 years is indeed what it'll take.

Nothing can be done about it, unless laws change.

There's an organization which is lobbying to change laws so that we can get GCs sooner. It's Immigration Voice (

Good Luck.
Advise on back ground check

My Advise: If your stuck with Name check for more than 1year Please contact local congress man to clear the FBI Name check. My case it took 3years to clear the
name check and back ground check. if the back grounds checks are clear your are safe.
Any PTs in same boat?

Anyone else in the same boat?
Any PTs who are also waiting for GCs.
Can you please let me know what your lawyers are saying?

Thank you.