Proof of Funds while still working in the US.


New Member
I have a quick question, am currently working in the US, got my Canadian PR stamped on my passport, I dont plan to move to Canada anytime soon but I do want to enter and get my SIN and that kinda I dont really wanna move any funds to Canada since I dont plan to stay there anytime sooner...but I guess we need to show them the proof of funds while at the immigrations..I was just wondering what were the options here..has anyone been in a similiar situation..?
Very Simple My Friend Take Required Funds With You And Also Take Some Extra Money ,after Opening Bank A/c Deposit The Money In Your Account What Ever You Want 100,500.bring The Cert.check Back With You. Who Told You That You Have To Deposit ?

OK am kinda confused..the minimum u need to carry is like 10 k canadian I guess for a single person and u say deposit 100, 500..?..can you explain a bit more..I actually dont want to really deposit that 10k canadian down there..?,..what are my options.?

From what I heard they note down the certified check # and track if its been cashed in that true..I dont mind putting the 100 bucks in an account down there..lemme know what u think