Processing Times for NSC updated

What do you mean..

by saying the processing dates haven't moved? They've moved, would you believe it, by a full 7 days.

Be careful what you say, lest the BCIS sue you for libel :).
Yu hoooooo...
Wow 7 days ..... great movement .....

by this pace .... we'll get the backlog cleared(?) around 2015 ...
yep 7 days makes a differnece i do not think so. i thingk the back log will mount
Backlog cleared by 2015? No. But they will need to build a new storage facility. Perhaps, it's their weird way to save on TP?
NSC Processing Date

I am surprised that the users of this forum still give a crap to that processing date; the hell with it.

Haven't we learned from Rupnet that there're quite a few Jan and Feb 2002 apps got approved or RFE-ed ?
But remember

Other users have also mentioned this..

If somebody from Dec-01, Jan'02, who is not yet approved, calls the IIOs, they are told that there will no official inquiry till 26 months are over.
I think something is wrong with this 8 (August) .
I had read that 4 and 8 are not good numbers. (God Knows..)
First time we saw it in NSC Processing Time Report (3/1/03).
and recently it moved from 8/22 to 8/10 and then 8/17.
Atleast they are moving..:confused: :mad:

One of those users is actually myself.

Those IIO(s) that some users called may not know shit at all; they just read the instructions right out of their PC monitor.
Basically, BCIS are just looking for an excuse to avoid doing an inquiry.

I won't be surprised if next month they change 26 months to 35 months.

:p :p
They have already said to wait for 36 months in TSC ....
and I feel NSC is no exception in the near future .....
Next Month The Waiting Time Will Be 29 Months

At this time last year NSC was about 1/2 way through working August 2001 cases. Since then they have progressed so that they are now 1/2 way though Jan 02 cases. 5 months progress in 12 months. Or 2.5 months to process 1 month of cases. During the last 12 months they have also slowed down alot.

Here is the lenght of time it took for each RD month. There is overlap between months

Sept 12 weeks (overlaps with Aug)
Oct 13 weeks (4 week overlap with sept)
Nov 17 weeks (7 week overlap with Oct)
Dec 12 weeks (6 week overlap with Nov)
Jan 11 weeks to get to 57% (no overlap with Dec)

In my mind a 3:1 ratio is reasonable.

I think they are posting these days based on the 26 months count. They are processing 8/2001 in begining of 11/2003. Knowing that they have been, at least, processing 1-2/2002 applications means that we should not pay much attention to that.
Question for Paulclarke

foll this forum for so long as u have been, when do you think at an semi optimistic approach when Dec 02 cases will be touched. is it fair to assume that in dec 04?
I am Not Sure on What Basis To Have Optimism

Currently the waiting times are aorund 22 months ie (Jan/Feb 02 cases). Based on the last year it has taken 3 months (about) to process 1 month worth of cases.

Unless BCIS can streamline the process or add resources, they ar going to fall further and further behind. If you extrapolate Dec based on the last 12 months you get a wait time of around 30 months or April/May 05.

I take solice for my self in the fact that I am a March 02 RD. I am hoping the start working my RD month by the end of Jan.

I have real sympathy for anyone filing right now.
They have already touched 2 March '02 cases in the last two weeks. So you would be off by two months.

Going by the recent trends where Jan is 54% done, Feb is 15% done and March (7%) done , I would think they have added more resources and we should be half way done with Feb and midway with March, by end of this year

BTW, by "done", I mean atleast a RFE